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Pico CTF (Chrono)




How to automate tasks to run at intervals on linux servers? Use ssh to connect to this server: Server: Port: 50213 Username: picoplayer Password: ekj2GJuiv4


This was an easy one, It tested ones understanding of directories and linux in general.

  1. First ssh to the challenge using the given creds. The ssh port is different on each spawn so you have to use the port provided after launching the challenge. ssh -p 50213 -vvv image I always append -vvv the -vvv option is used to increase the verbosity level of the SSH client. It enables detailed debugging and provides extensive output, including debugging messages and information about the SSH connection process. After connecting you are logged in as picoplayer image Now we have to understand where folders on a linux system are stored
  2. Now use cd .. image
  3. Again repeat cd ..
  4. You could also use the command cd ../..
  5. We are now able to see the folders available.
  6. Interesting enough is the challenge folder image
  7. Now lets cd challenge and ls -la
  8. We see an intesting dile metadata.json
  9. Now lets cat the metadata.json
  10. And we see our flag. image
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